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Procedures on Providing MedNet Services

Direct Services

Phase 1: Pre-Entry / Contracting


1. Requesting party signifies interest in contracting  MedNet for training services

2. MedNet asks the requesting party to administer  pre-test tool for the participants

3. MedNet proposes a training design based on the  profile of participants

4. Requesting party indicates agreement to the  conditions stipulated in the TOR by signing the  Service Contract (including design, parties’  obligations and professional fees)

Phase 2: Implementation of Agreement


5. MedNet provides a report on the results of each  phase of the agreed upon intervention

Phase 3: Evaluation


6. MedNet and requesting party sit down to evaluate  the interventions; or requesting party/negotiating  parties accomplish exit survey

Training Services

Phase 1: Pre-Entry / Contracting


1. Requesting party signifies interest in contracting  MedNet for training services

2. MedNet asks the requesting party to administer  pre-test tool for the participants

3. MedNet proposes a training design based on the  profile of participants

4. Requesting party indicates agreement to the  conditions stipulated in the TOR by signing the  Service Contract (including design, parties’  obligations and professional fees)

Phase 2: Implementation of Agreement


5. MedNet trainer/s administer pre-test tool to each  participant to determine level of competence

6. MedNet summarizes daily feedback from the  participants of the training and discusses with  requesting party the necessary adjustments in the  design if needed

7. MedNet documentor notes down the daily  proceedings of the training

Phase 3: Evaluation


8. MedNet administers post-test tool to gauge the  level of learning achieved

9. MedNet prepares a summary report on the  training intervention

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